首先,我们需要了解剪力墙和承重墙的概念。一、剪力walls and 承重walls 的概念:
剪力wall:说到“剪力的wall”这个词,可能很多非专业的朋友都会觉得比较陌生,甚至根本不知道是什么。其实,它就是通常大家说到的“抗风wall”、“抗震Wall”和“结构Wall”,是房屋或构筑物中主要用来承受风荷载或地震作用引起的水平荷载的wall body,防止结构剪切破坏。
承重Wall:而对于外行人来说,该如何辨别哪些是承重walls呢?一般在房屋户型工程图中,被标注成黑色的wall body都是承重walls,不可以进行拆改;被标注成白色的wall body则都是非承重大wells,可以进行改造拆除,对于房屋建筑不会有影响。
接下来,我们将探讨两者之间的区别二、Cutting Force Wall and Load-Bearing Wall Differences:
承重大wells' main function is to support the weight of the upper floors, while Cutting Force Walls are used for both anti-wind and anti-seismic purposes, serving as a structural wall that can also be used as a load-bearing wall.
Material Difference:
Cutting Force Walls are made from reinforced concrete with steel rebar for strength against wind and seismic forces, whereas load-bearing walls may use either reinforced concrete or brick-and-mortar construction.
Structural Difference:
Reinforced concrete is always present in Cutting Force Walls, but not necessarily in load-bearing walls which may be constructed using brick-and-mortar alone or without columns or frames if it's an older home.
The structure of a cutting force wall includes steel reinforcement material within its composition.
Visibility Difference:
In floor plans marked with black lines denoting structural elements like load-bearing walls and white lines representing non-load bearing partitions (partitions), you can easily distinguish between them.
However, cutting force walls are typically hidden behind drywall or other finishes so they're less visible to the naked eye than load-bearing walls.
以上就是关于"Cutting Force Wall vs Load-Bearing Wall"的一些基本信息。如果你对这方面有任何疑问或者想要进一步了解,请随时咨询专业人员,以确保你的家里安全无忧。